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Our objective

Following the example of blessed Pope John Paul II, the JP2 Foundations is committed to proclaim and explain the Gospel and the Tradition of the Catholic Church. Very important in this regard is to stimulate a living relationship with Jesus Christ, especially among young people, and to help them to search for their own vocation.

Following the example of blessed Pope John Paul II, the JP2 Foundations is committed to proclaim and explain the Gospel and the Tradition of the Catholic Church. Very important in this regard is to stimulate a living relationship with Jesus Christ, especially among young people, and to help them to search for their own vocation.

In the academic field, the JP2 Foundation intends to support theological and spiritual studies and publications, especially where these are connected to other fields of research.

The JP2 Foundation tries to realise its objective among others by setting up, organising and supporting financially lectures, studies and publications, through whatever means of communication (like in print, through the internet and other electronic media).

The JP2 Foundation will always work in accordance with the teaching, morals, and customs of the Catholic Church.

In realising the objective, the entire human being is of importance. The better a person ‘feels’ and knows himself, the better he is able to open himself to the Gospel and the Catholic Tradition.

As Pope John Paul II said in his encyclical Veritatis Splendor: , “without the Creator the creature disappears”. For his freedom, man is depending on the truth about God and about himself.

The JP2 Foundation intends to help (young) people to discover that truth and to give it a place in their own lives.