Open wide the doors to Christ!

Online with Saints

Online with Saints (#OnlineSaints) offers a virtual encounter with 100+ saints from all around the world. Women and men, carpenters and scholars, mothers and popes, princes and paupers: their inspiring life stories are linked to real life modern questions, and together with them answers are found.

Every saint is different, with their own unique personality and destiny. Each of them found their vocation in a different way – demonstrating that God has a special plan and individual vocation for each individual. Participants are invited and helped to discern their own personal journey towards sanctity. Anyone can become a saint!

Online with Saints is developed by the team of Tweeting with GOD and integrated into the presence on social media. To learn about the lives of the saints and find a saint that can inspire and accompany your own life journey visit


App (& Website)

Book full of life experience

The Online with Saints App contains a “social media profile” of 100+ saints, where they tell in the first person interesting facts, quotes, prayers, and captivating stories of personal faith, love, and sacrifice. Scanning the image of the saint in the book allows them to tell their story in the first person. One can even take a selfie with the saint of choice. It is also possible to share discoveries on social media one can personalise the app through a personal Online with Saints profile.

In the Online with Saints book, every double page answers a burning question about modern life on the basis of the life experience of one or more saints. Readers are helped to grow in their relationship with God and to learn about the faith through the fascinating experiences, challenges, heroism, holiness – but also failures of some of the greatest friends of God.


Social Media

The Social media profiles on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube are important channels for presenting the lives and stories of the saints.