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Following the example of blessed Pope John Paul II, the JP2 Foundation is committed to proclaim and explain the Gospel and the Tradition of the Catholic Church, recalling the words of Saint Paul: “proclaim the message and, welcome or unwelcome, insist on it”(II Tim 4:2). Here are some examples:

  • The JP2 Group focuses on questions of young people concerning their faith. All questions can be asked. The objective is to deepen, in the light of faith and reason, the important themes of faith in order to give these a place in their personal life.
  • The JP2 Library contains about 200 good Catholic books which may help young people to deepen their faith, to work on their relationship with the Lord and discover His guidance in their own life.
  • The website: (What does God ask me) intends to help young people to think about important questions like: ‘What should I do in life?’ and ‘What does God ask from me?’ and thus discover their own vocation.
  • JP2 Books in this way intend to help proclaim and explain the contents of the faith, especially to the younger generation.
  • Academic studies will be supported especially where these are related to other disciplines in order to help people reflect on the role of the Gospel in society.
  • New JP2 Initiatives focus on anything which may help the proclamation, preaching and teaching of the Gospel and the Tradition of the Catholic Church. Special attention is given to the promotion among the young of a vital relationship with Jesus Christ .
  • The role of the new means of communication in the proclamation of the Gospel is fully recognized and valued.

The JP2 Foundation always works in accordance with the teachings, ethics and morals of the Catholic Church.